Thursday, 27 November 2014

8 Ways To Stop Snoring

Breathe easy at night while improving your partner's morning mood with these simple snoring solutions.

Picture a river that’s headed to a crevice, says Dr. Richard Horner. As the passage narrows, the water starts to get more turbulent. That’s similar to what happens when we snore, explains Dr. Horner, an Associate Professor at the University of Toronto, and Canada Research Chair in Sleep and Respiratory Neurobiology. Your airway may be narrow or your airflow is obstructed, and the vibrations when you breathe cause the sound of snoring.

What causes such narrowing? For some people, it’s genetics; they’re just born with a narrower throat. For others, age is a factor; as you get older, you have less muscle tone in your throat. You may not be able to do much about genetics or age, but these solutions can help you take steps to reduce your tendency to snore by addressing other triggers.

1. Change Sleep Positions

"Some people have positional snoring," Dr. Horner says. If you're on your back, gravity makes your tongue and the soft tissue at the back of your throat more likely to slide back and block your airway. Sleeping on your side can alleviate the problem.

2. Keep Your Head Back

Bending your neck can constrict your airflow. Try removing some pillows, says Horner, or lying flatter. 

3. Lose Weight

Consider a combination of healthier eating and exercise to shed some pounds. There’s a strong relationship between obesity and snoring. The reason – excess weight around the neck and chest puts pressure on the muscles used for breathing.

4. Avoid Alcohol Close to Bedtime

Alcohol makes your muscles relax, including your airway. Try cutting off your drinking at least a few hours before sleep, says Angela Smith of the Queensway Carleton Hospital Sleep Centre in Ottawa.

5. Skip Muscle Relaxants

Skip them for the same reason as alcohol - they relax your muscles. Your cutoff time depends on what you take and how long-acting the medication is; talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

6. Quit Smoking

Aside from its well-known health dangers, smoking also irritates your airway and causes inflammation. 

7. Fight Nasal Congestion

Congestion from allergies or colds makes it harder to breathe, forcing increased suction that also contributes to snoring. Decongestants, allergy medication, and products that open your nasal passages (i.e. nasal strips) can all help.

8. Increase Humidity

Using a humidifier in the bedroom, or making sure that your furnace and humidifier are in good working order, can reduce dryness and stuffiness in the home. That can help keep your nasal passages clear.

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